Gruž to Dubrovnik Old Town
Directions for getting from Gruž to the Old Town:
The shortest distance between Gruž and Dubrovnik old town is 2.5 kilometres. As the traffic system in the town includes some one-way streets, taking a bus or taxi will be longer, up to 3.5 km. If you take a taxi from Gruž to the Old town you can expect to be there in 15 minutes (if no traffic jams). By bus, you can expect to be there in 20 minutes.
By local bus: take bus line 1, get on the bus in Gruž either at ferry port bus stop (Luka Gruž 4), bus terminal at the bus stop (Luka Gruž 5) or Placa Gruž and get off at Pile bus stop (Pile gate). From there, just walk across the bridge and down the steps to the Stradun, the main promenade in the Old town. The bus ride is about 20 minutes each way. It is much shorter than taxi ride due to one-way traffic system in the town.
By taxi or Uber: From Gruž to the Old town it takes about 15 minutes drive (about 3 km). This is a shorter trip than driving back Old Town – Gruz, due to one-way traffic system in the town (up to 4 km). You can get a taxi in Gruz (taxi station location map) or simply order Uber. The cost for a ride is between 55 and 95 HRK.
Walking or cycling from Gruž to the Old Town: If you have some spare time, the weather is not too hot and you don’t have to carry heavy luggage, walking from Gruz to Old town is probably the best idea. You will pass along the Batala / Gruz marina, where a lot of small boats are anchored. On your way, you can stop at local fruit and veg market to buy some fresh fruit. Walking further up you will arrive at Boninovo, from where there are magnificent views over open seas of Adriatic all the way to Italy. Another 10 minutes walk and you are in the Old Town.
Driving Map from Gruž to the Old Town:
GPS Gruž: 42.657903, 18.086838
GPS Pile (Old town entrance): 42.641708, 18.107208
On the above map, you can see driving directions to the Old Town. If you walk or decide to take a bus, it will be the shorter route along the sea which is partly one-way street.