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Cavtat to Dubrovnik Bus (Bus Route no10)

The distance between Cavtat and Dubrovnik is 18 km. The bus route that connects Cavtat and Dubrovnik is bus line number 10, run by Libertas local bus company. The line is scheduled at 30-minute intervals. The duration of the bus ride is about 30 minutes (depending on traffic).

Here are the current timetables:

Dubrovnik – Cavtat – Dubrovnik Timetables (Bus Line 10)

Dubrovnik - Cavtat - Dubrovnik Timetables for Dubrovnik Bus Line 10

Dubrovnik Bus Route 10 runs from Dubrovnik (Gruz, Batala, Cable Car station Zicara) to Cavtat.

Ticket Prices

A single ticket for a one-way ride between Dubrovnik and Cavtat is 4 € per person. The return ticket is 8 €

Map of the route

Here is a map that shows the bus route that connects these two places

map of the ourte


Here is a video of the bus ride:

See other local lines on the Dubrovnik Bus Map

The alternative transport

  • Taxis and UBER are available and the current cost is €30 for a ride (up to 3 persons)
  • Ferry boat from Cavtat to Dubrovnik’s old port – this scenic ferry ride along the coast is €8 for a one-way ticket (check the weather in advance and schedules at croatiaferries.com website)