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Dubrovnik Weather in February

 Rainy and Cold February day in Dubrovnik
Rainy and cold February day in Dubrovnik

Average Daily Temperatures

February weather in Dubrovnik is still very cold. The winter has not passed yet, days can be windy and wet, Bura or Siloko winds are pretty usual. The weather is a little warmer and sunnier than in January. The average daily temperature is 9.5 ° C ( 49 ° F ).

Average Sea TemperatureMaximum TemperatureAverage RainfallPrecipitationAverage number of rainy days Average Number of Sunny Days
9.5 ° C14.2 ° C24 ° C114 mm12 days 7 days
49 ° F57.56 ° F75.2 ° F

Sunshine and rainfall

For February, the average rainfall is 114 mm. In average, only about 7 sunny days are to expect here at this time of the year. The rest of the month will see cloudy or rainy conditions (on average – 12 days of rain). Snow and frost are expected on one day.

Beach and Sea Temperatures

February is still too cold for the beach, swim or snorkel. If you are lucky enough that your hotel has an indoor swimming pool that’s fine. Alternatively, get to the public swimming pool situated in Gruz neighbourhood. Check sea temperatures.

What to wear in February

Dubrovnik in February is cold so you’ll want to wear warm winter clothes such as thick jackets, scarves, hats, gloves and winter boots. Waterproof jacket or umbrella is a good idea to help keep you warm and dry.


  • The average temperatures are for period 1961-2018 – source Meteo
  • Sea temperatures source Nasa

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