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Dubrovnik Weather in May

Sunny late afternoon in Dubrovnik in May

Lovely sunny late afternoon in Dubrovnik in May

Average Daily Temperatures

May weather in Dubrovnik is mild and sunny. It is the middle of the spring here. Some days can be overcast and rainy but they are not as common as in previous months. The weather is much warmer and sunnier than in April. The average daily temperature is 18.7 ° C ( 89.6 ° F ).

During the month of May, daylight hours increase even more allowing much more time for any outdoor activity.

Average Sea TemperatureMaximum TemperatureAverage Rainfall – PrecipitationAverage number of rainy daysAverage Number of Sunny Days
18.7 ° C15.5° C32.9 ° C66 mm9 days8 days
89.6 ° F59.9 ° F91.22 ° F

Sunshine and rainfall

For May, the average rainfall is 66 mm. Expected sunny days at this time of the year are statistically just 8. The rest of the May is expected to be overcast with occasional showers. Fog, frost or snow are not expected.

Beach and Sea Temperatures

May is not too cold to swim in the open sea waters as the average sea temperature is about 16 ° C raising to 22°C (check average sea temperatures monthly data). Laying on the beach and sunbathing is very enjoyable at this time of the year.

What to wear in May

Dubrovnik in May is warm and mild during the day but can be chilly in the nights. Shorts sleeves and light trousers for day time and one or two layers of long sleeves for the evenings and nights. A light warm-season jacket and waterproof too, just in case. A pair of good sandals and shoes are also essential. Flipflops are good for a beach.


  • The average temperatures are for period 1961 to 2018 – source Meteo
  • Sea temperatures source Nasa